Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Megan and Sarah were both excited to see the snow and also to play in it.

When I got home from work Megan was at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She informed me she needed her boots, pants, jacket and gloves PLEASE!!!!!

I was happy to see that the snow clothes I bought her were actually going to be used this year.

Megan's first snowman. Actually mommy made it and Megan watched to make sure I was doing it correctly.

The snow lasted through the night to Megan's happiness. So she and Grandpa walked to the Deline Park by their house to play in the snow. By the picture you can tell mommy was not there since Megan is enjoying eating snow off the ground. YUCK!!!

When is the idle time to get Grandpa with a

When he's busy taking your picture!